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José Luis Moreno, imputat per un presumpte suborn a Jaume Matas

El productor afirma que així podrà posar punt final a una acusació “absurda”

José Luis Moreno haurà de respondre davant el jutge que investiga el cas Palma Arena.

El nombre de personatges de renom que han estat imputats en el cas Palma Arena continua augmentat. El darrer és el productor televisiu i ventríloc José Luis Moreno, qui va fer diversos programes per a la televisió autonòmica balear en els seus inicis.

Moreno ha estat citat pel jutge José Castro el 21 de gener en qualitat d'imputat. La citació s'emmarca dins la peça separada número 1 del cas Palma Arena, que investiga el presumpte pagament d'un quart de milió d'euros per part seva a l'expresident Jaume Matas.

Per a aquest mateix dia, també està previst que declari com a imputada i per la mateixa peça l'exdirectora de la televisió autonòmica balear Maria Umbert, que fou cap de gabinet de Matas.

"La meva citació és una carambola de la vida i la prenc com a tal, però estic tranquil perquè crec en la justícia", digué Moreno a Europa Press. Fins i tot explicà que està "encantat" perquè "així posaré punt final a aquesta situació absurda i demostraré d'on ve tot això en contra meva". Matas, el mes de març, també desmentí les acusaciones davant el jutge.

Aquesta investigació duia el nom d'operació Càmera fins que el jutge Castro decidí incorporar-la a la causa del Palma Arena. Tot s'inicià arran de la denúncia de l'antic cap de programació de les productores de Moreno a les Balears, Luis Velasco, un personatge polèmic que va acabar tenint problemes amb el propietari. De fet, diverses fonts apunten que la denúncia podria ser una revenja.

Velasco va denunciar el 2008 davant la Fiscalia que Moreno havia entregat a Matas un sobre amb 250.000 euros en bitllets de 500. El pagament s'hauria fet en la gala d'inauguració d'IB3 TV, que se celebrà al Casino de Mallorca el setembre de 2005. El jutge, en una interlocutòria, indicà que els comportaments denunciats per Velasco, "en cas de ser certs, constituirien delictes de prevaricació i suborn". Velasco, però, va passar de testimoni a imputat i en la seva declaració davant Castro també va incriminar l'exdirector d'antena d'IB3 Arturo Orrico, que finalment fou imputat.

Orrico negà que Velasco li lliuràs un sobre amb diners de part de l'empresari, com també haver rebut cap tipus de comissió per donar un tracte de favor a Moreno. Sí reconegué, però, haver passat hores al seu vaixell i, en alguna ocasió, haver utilitzat el seu jet privat per viatjar a Palma. De fet, el jutge va sol·licitar a AENA la relació dels avions privats de vol no regular que aterraren a l'aeroport en el primer semestre de 2006 i els enlairaments de tornada. Així mateix, demanà a l'Autoritat Portuària que comprovàs si en el port de Palma hi va estar amarrat durant uns mesos de 2005 un vaixell que podria tenir relació amb el productor. Castro investigava la veracitat de les declaracions de Velasco, qui donà detalls de reunions de directius de l'ens amb Moreno.

La investigació d'Alemany

Maria Umbert
també declararà el 21 de gener en una altra peça del cas Palma Arena: la que investiga els contractes de l'agència de publicitat Nimbus amb el periodista i redactor dels discursos de Matas, Antonio Alemany. Aquesta podria ser la primera peça del cas que anaria a judici.


* Camps obligatoris


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Per Spenlyengew, fa mes de 11 anys

The electric Cowboy is a hangout for losers and trash. It is such a shame the Jubilation or 501(Club) are no longer in business. The dumb-as-stumps and Hefty so-called bouncers just try to act tough because thats the only chance they get in life at being in charge of something. Whether you're walking from the subway or taking in the Holiday tree at Rockafeller Center, you are sure to pass at least one Starbucks in NYC. Stop in for a warm holiday drink (my favorite is the Gingerbread Latte). These delicious drinks are sure to keep your hands warm and fill you with Holiday cheer, even if you're fighting through the holiday shopping crowds.."qingkaqing"Polarization is key, key, key. Polarization helps you see with such clarity and acuity -- it just doesn't make sense to bike without polarized lenses. Stylistically, I'm not that thrilled, because they don't go with my face that well. To Tamba neither haughty nor humble, but definitely not the righteous Following the answer you want, so righteous Following continue inducement, Ninja, has always been living in the shadows, which is not recognized by the world, I am sure you know only too well Japan does not have a lord would admit ninja to be able to own land, so long as I am willing, at any time, can you land, the tribe, from the Japanese earth completely erased. meaning Following see two men like a bristle, smiled laugh, The two do not rush, meaning Following will not issue this command. contrary, justice relay would like to formally recognize ownership of your land, to your tribe a chance to walk in the sun..
It all good. We are killing time until escrow closes on the home (June 13th). We met with an RV consignment dealer so we can hopefully get this thing that we called home for the better part of two years sold soon. The experienced rider is protected with proper clothing, gives ample space to the vehicle in front, usually stays in the right/inner lane and, when riding with others, will drive staggered so that they do not run into their buddy in front if that person has to brake in a hurry. Side by side driving is fine if you are very experienced and I don't mean a couple of years. The quickest way to find out what it is like to be cut off by a car is to habitually travel in the left/passing lane.

Per Spenlyengew, fa mes de 11 anys

Long pro-natural know negative lord great trust, and also lost a the Echigo warrior's integrity, but the long pro just want to see above my lord and grateful adults side. And naturally himself off. Kawada on Guifu, Touyebutai respond to angry accusations of others, but if not let long pro saying finished, the next death will be wasted step.. Have not seen, but I can already imagine the excitement of Oda Nobunaga, that feeling must be no less than 1963 Chinese people heard of the atomic bomb successfully exploded! Although he is often in the mouth with a paper tiger to satirize Takeda Shingen, but I clearly know his deepest fear. More low self-esteem people more was arrogant, arrogant, especially Oda Nobunaga! So beautiful actually be able to beat Takeda Shingen, which I am afraid He said he had never dreamed of. Enter Mino celebrate this with more justification a - the Takeda Shingen death has been confirmed!."qingkaqing"There are many wikis now-a-days with WYSIWYG editors. I a very reluctant sharepoint convert. As a developer, I hated sharepoint with a passion. The ATG Eliminator E6 scans PCB panels at a rate of up to 76.2 mm (3")/second using 10,000 fingers to probe for shorts and or openings on every network on the circuit board regardless of density, test pad size and pitch, or number of PCB images per panel, providing users with improved speed and throughput rates. The board will then complete the last 8% to 15% of the test with the FPT, which results in less than 2 minutes per panel during this stage compared to as long as 4 hours a test panel. What does this mean? It means that for simply inserting the panels into separate machine for a few minutes, Streamline Circuits reduces FPT test time by as much as 78%!.
Standiford also has experience working for one of the leading HVAC engineering firms in the state of Arkansas, Pettit and Pettit Consulting Engineers, as a Mechanical Design Engineer. His career then led him to teaching engineering, design, and technology courses for Garland County Community College. Maintaining his focus on education, Mr. Winning was a continuing pattern in the late '90s for Sorenstam. She won 12 tournaments from 1997 to 1999, and became the winningest LPGA player of the decade. Despite some struggles in the major championships, Sorenstam sure brought home the bacon.

Per Unitydayanive, fa mes de 11 anys

It still took years for the fad to go more mainstream. Helping to pave the way were magazines like Men Journal and Men Health, which objectified the male torso on their covers. Marketers such as Abercrombie Fitch attracted droves of fans with their buff, waxed male models. For those who don have the goods naturally, cosmetic surgery offers an increasingly popular solution. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that pectoral implants more than tripled in 2008, to 1,335 procedures up from 440 in 2007.
After decades in the fashion equivalent of Siberia, man cleavage got a boost in the early 1990s when Tom Ford, then head designer and creative director for Gucci, climbed to the top of fashion ranks while often wearing a dress shirt unbuttoned practically to his navel.
It not about showing off chesthair, it about showing off man cleavage (chest muscle, etc.). It a sign of how much they worked out. For the pound cake: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a baking pan with cooking spray. Arrange the pound cake in a single layer on the prepared pan. Brush with the melted butter and drizzle with honey. Bake for 7 to 8 minutes or until lightly golden. Set aside to cool for 10 minutes.
锘縏oasted Pound Cake with Citrus Cream Recipe
Loved this. It has a few steps, nothing difficult, and is a great change of pace. I only used a couple of tablespoons of honey with the butter to cut back on sweetness. Loved the way it turned out. I made the citrus cream as directed. On the segmented oranges, which in the recipe are meant to be a garnish, I added another orange, 1/2 pint sliced strawberries, a little superfine sugar, and a touch of Grand Marnier and let it macerate. At assembly time, I spooned the citrus/strawberry mixture over the cheese mixture and pound cake kind of like a shortcake. Maybe next time I add some toasted sliced almonds. When blueberries are in season, I make a fresh blueberry/orange sauce and pour that over. Raspberries would be great, too. Great base recipe, truly different. Thank you, Giada! 锘緾ar seat safety
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You can flip your device and read the newspaper in either orientation or tap the page selector to choose a specific page to fastnavigate to. You can also download and save individual pages or full editions to enjoy offline and when you are on the go.
Your Evening News app features search functionality to find keywords relating to recent content, a zoom function to enable clearer reading of selected articles and social networking integration to keep your friends up to date with all the latest shared news from the paper. I had also started doing gymnastics at the age of 2, when my older sister's coaches felt bad I had to sit in the stands with my mom and they allowed me to join in a class even though I was too young! I continued to pursue swimming, gymnastics, tap, jazz and ballet until around age 9, when I had to choose between them all because it was now impossible to find the time to compete in all of these sports and be the best I could possibly be! So, to follow in my sister's footsteps, I chose swimming. I swam all through high school, was MVP all four years and captain my senior year of high school. I was also a member of a USS (United States Swimming) Club team; Dynamo Swim Club from the age of 6 until I graduated high school! As a member of Dynamo, I was top 16 in the country in some of my events; a GA Zones qualifier; a junior national qualifier; and was honored many times with stroke technique excellence.
I competed in my first professional show in Jacksonville just a month later where I placed 9th among 19 competitors. I had a little mishap on stage due to the fact I wore new shoes that I had never really practiced in. I almost fell flat on my face and was mortified with the experience but was still pleased with my 9th place finish. I took about two months off from training, but definitely stayed fit and in shape! I had auditions for two teams here in Atlanta a few months earlier and had made both teams and was honored to be an Atlanta Hawks Cheerleader as well as an Atlanta Thrashers Blue Crew member. At the time I was also a licensed EMTI in the state of GA but wasn't working in the field.
Two weeks later I competed in the New York Pro, where I placed fourth, and was contacted by Muscle Fitness Hers, but this time it was not just to say hello, I was asked to do a photo shoot with them (which I just did this past Monday for the SeptemberOctober issue) and a blog for this site. It's truly an honor and I am so excited to be able to do this.

Per XRwogannimeieTest, fa mes de 11 anys

If we can't do a home visit to another town, we ask for references and we do call those references..

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While she still makes occasional modeling appearances, Alek Wek legacy lives on through the faces of other darker models that are entering the industry.

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rmance isn reduced.

Per Puput, fa mes de 14 anys

A l'article trob a faltar les sigles, PP i les paraules Partido popular. O és que només hi ha instruccions de posar el nom del partit quan és UM?

Per joan de sa montanya, fa mes de 14 anys

Es dir, Matas,era una titella més, com "macario", o "rockefeller"...Un perfecte polític!

Per Lo Rat Penat, fa mes de 14 anys

Per lo que veim dia rera dia,no es movia ni un euro que Matas no en cobràs comissiò.I encara hi ha gent que el defensa!!

Per MJ, fa mes de 14 anys

Estic amb tu, miquel. Amb tot.

Per miquel, fa mes de 14 anys

Després de passar el text pel traductor automàtic compartesc l'opinió de lola.

Per lola, fa mes de 14 anys

¿Sabéis que os digo? Que me da la impresión que todo esto contra Matas acabará en nada. Vaya sarcasmo y vaya fracaso, si tengo razón.

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